Due to ajaxiness of the add tag funct... was committed by Walter McGinnis
Tuesday Jan 25
changeset -
Overriding fragment expiring method t... was committed by Walter McGinnis 10:38 AM changeset
Adding ability to set language to ano... was committed by Walter McGinnis
Monday Jan 24
changeset -
Dealing with the fact that tags-list ... was committed by Walter McGinnis
Tuesday Jan 18
changeset -
Bugfixes for last commit. https://git... was committed by Walter McGinnis 12:34 PM changeset
Slight refactoring of checking of whe... was committed by Walter McGinnis 12:24 PM changeset
Tag have own translation UI now. Clea... was committed by Walter McGinnis 09:54 AM changeset
Adding support for fields that accept... was committed by Walter McGinnis
Thursday Jan 13
changeset -
bugfix: handling case where we need t... was committed by Walter McGinnis 10:32 AM changeset
Adding ability to specify the key's c... was committed by Walter McGinnis 09:36 AM changeset
Kete's Projects
- 1 kete / acts_as_licensed
- 0 kete / acts_as_zoom
- 0 kete / better_send_file
- 0 kete / capistrano-configuration
- 0 kete / convert_attachment_to
- 1 kete / external_search_sources
- 1 kete / http_url_validation_improved
- 1 kete / kete_translatable_content
- 0 kete / mongo_translatable
- 0 kete / oembed_provider
- 34 kete / tiny_mce
- 0 kete / validates_as_sanitized_html